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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Can You Really Find INSTALL FLANGE (on the Web)?

September 26, 2021 0
Can You Really Find INSTALL FLANGE (on the Web)?

 Do you know abrupt spillage or shower outs might annihilate your working environment and labor force definitely? Do you know disregarding them can delve you into the pool of issues? Do you know shielding your labor force and work environment from such sketchy circumstance isn't so difficult? In the event that indeed, anyway, for what reason would you say you are taking your security in question? Don't you know a spill, a slip, gives you a clinic trip? At any rate, don't deceive yourself, else, it might set you back more than you even anticipate. Establishment of Flange Guards assists you with tackling the issue. It is a wellbeing safeguard that is made of polypropylene or PTFE material, which makes a barricade between the synthetic inside the rib joints or outer climate. 

Besides, it assists with dispersing the tension of the hole, which controls or deal with the condition and limits the misfortune and injury to the staff and the substance. It helps in saving your bucks as it dodges the circumstance of shower outs, which forestall any harm that naturally sets aside your cash. These are most regularly utilized on ribs in corrosive and harsh synthetic condition. These are a result of their security nature additionally perceived as Flange Protectors, Safety Shields, and Flange Wraps. As a result of the utilization of the PTFE material, these are demonstrated to give opposition against UV, temperature, and climate. 

Along these lines, Flange Guards can withstand incredibly high temperatures. You can quickly set up it simply by tying the line. It just requires a couple of moments for its establishment. It very well may be altered for any uncommon prerequisites or applications. Spine Guards might contain a PH pointer fix, which flags a break by quickly changing its tone to red within the sight of a corrosive or green within the sight of a soluble base. Inland oil fields, treatment facilities, gas enterprises, drug, producing units are a portion of the businesses where many synthetic substances are utilized consistently and in all such regions this is important to introduce. 

Anyway, why face a challenge, when you have the answer for keep away from it? Best of all, the cost of the Flange Guard isn't excessively high such that implies it doesn't cost you the fortune. You can without much of a stretch benefit the right size according to your spine joint need from the makers of the PTFE Products. Thus, don't compromise, particularly when you know there is a danger. Introduce Flange Guards and secure your workplace and faculty also.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

Brushing Teeth Tips For a Bacterial Brush-Off

March 08, 2021 0
 Brushing Teeth Tips For a Bacterial Brush-Off

Brushing teeth in ancient days must have taken a bit of courage. If you had lived as an ancient Egyptian, you would brush your teeth with frayed tooth twigs. In 15th century China, you might have gone off the wooded path and started using boar's hair bristles attached to ivory or bamboo handles. If European, you may have followed suit with horse hair.

But it's really ancestral toothpastes that could give brushing your teeth the skin creeps. Crushed bones and oyster shells, hoof powders, charcoal and soap made up some of the more interesting ingredients for teeth brushing. And even though the Chinese started with animal bristle brushes, they took a more reserved approach with toothpastes - using ginseng, herbals and salt.

The Victorian era brought us toothpastes in jars, but we didn't see nylon bristles for brushing teeth until World War II. Now our toothpastes ooze many different ingredients from pumps or tubes and many of our brushes flex, pick or pack power.

The choices are confusing, but if you want to know how to brush your teeth effectively, here's a brush up on the tools and methods for the best plaque-blasting teeth brushing possible:

Choosing Your Weapon: Brushing Teeth With Today's Tools

Whether you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush (first invented in 1939) or use a manual tool, results should remain nearly the same - IF you brush correctly, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

Let's review the most basic rules for choosing your teeth brushing tools:

Comfort: Powered or unpowered, buy the toothbrush that you will use. That means it should be comfortable in your mouth and in your hand.

Safety: Here's how to brush your teeth safely: Use soft or extra-soft bristles. Brushing your teeth should not irritate your gums. All devices and their features for brushing teeth should protect teeth and gums, not uproot them.

Cleanliness: Brush your teeth with a new toothbrush or brush head every three to four months to cut oral bacteria buildup. Rinse your brush thoroughly after every use, store it upright and air dry. Teeth brushing continually with brushes stored in closed containers continually spread oral bacteria.

Don't share your toothbrush with anyone or you'll just trade bacteria with each other. Brushes sharing a container or holder shouldn't touch.

Size: Get a brush to fit your mouth comfortably. Don't worry if you're an adult who prefers a child's toothbrush. The important thing is that you brush your teeth reaching all areas of your mouth; not that you prefer princess brushes over hi-tech adult models.

Selecting Ammo: Brushing Your Teeth With the Right Toothpaste

You want to blow away your oral bacteria, not your soft tissues or tooth enamel while brushing teeth. Which paste is the right one for you? Just make sure you like it so you don't avoid your teeth brushing duties.

Here's the advice on dentifrice (toothpastes):

Fluoride: It strengthens tooth enamel to ward off cavities. Because it preserves enamel which covers your yellowish dentin layer, it helps tooth whitening and tooth sensitivity. It also reverses early decay. Brush your teeth with fluoride for the best oral health.

But swallow too much fluoride (in your water, your toothpaste or mouth rinse) and you might watch your teeth begin to yellow. It could also make you sick.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): This detergent's foaming action while brushing your teeth lifts away film, bacteria and other debris.

Unfortunately, SLS promotes canker sores, tooth sensitivity, gum irritation and halitosis for some. If you're prone to mouth ulcers or bad breath your teeth brushing should be SLS-free.

Sodium Pyrophosphate: Often found in tartar control toothpastes, this compound may cause tooth sensitivity. And though brushing teeth with this ingredient may prevent tartar, it doesn't get rid of what's already there. Sodium pyrophosphate can irritate gums.

Whiteners: No toothpaste changes tooth color, but some lift certain surface stains. Hydrogen peroxide with baking soda scrubs surfaces and kills certain bacteria that cause gum diseases. But peroxide irritates too. Think moderate when brushing your teeth with whiteners.

Abrasives: Hydrated silicas and calcium carbonates are the usual ingredients - the level of abrasiveness varies from paste to paste. Some dentists recommend toothpastes with a lower Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA) score (the scale runs from 8-200) according to Consumer Reports, especially if you use an electric toothbrush, tend to over-brush your teeth, or have receding gums.

Sticking to Your Gums' Guns: How to Brush Your Teeth Effectively

So what's the right way? There is a standard technique called the Bass Method for brushing teeth, but your dental hygienist or dentist might have some additional advice tailored to your needs. Make an appointment for a dental cleaning to make sure you're brushing your teeth correctly.

In the meantime, keep these rules of plaque engagement in mind during teeth brushing:

Frequency: Brush your teeth two or three times each day and floss at least once. The floss removes plaque from between your teeth, where brush bristles won't reach. (The ADA says it doesn't matter if you floss before or after teeth brushing.) Remember: Over-brushing your teeth damages soft tissues.

Duration: Spend about 30 seconds brushing each quadrant of your mouth - about two minutes for the total job. Most electric toothbrushes have a two-minute timer or 30-second alarms. If you brush your teeth manually, try to go the length of a song on your radio or digital music player.

Force: Brushing teeth is not like scrubbing shower scum. Keep light pressure on your teeth and gums. If it hurts or your gums bleed, lighten up a bit. Bristles fanning out after a few months say you brush your teeth too hard.

Angles: Tilt your toothbrush up to a 45-degree angle when brushing your top teeth, and tilt down at the same angle when brushing teeth on the bottom. Position your plaque-blasting weapon so bristles engage your gum line and the tooth surface.

Use the same angles on the backs of your teeth, especially along the sides. For the backs of your front teeth, hold your toothbrush vertically - tip of brush up for the tops and tip of brush down for the bottoms.

Don't forget the chewing surfaces and edges. Jagged crowns harbor criminal bacteria in cracks. Brushing your teeth thoroughly roots out plaque from every nook and cranny.

Motion: Columbia University's College of Dental Medicine recommends tiny circular movements or sliding back and forth in short strokes. Brushing teeth in small sections (one or two teeth at a time) ensures a more complete job.

Teeth Brushing Habits

While learning how to brush your teeth effectively, you may have to un-learn things taught in your childhood. And if you're a parent, it's best to instill good behavior for beating oral bacteria now.

But remember that no matter how well you or your children brush, have your dentist and hygienist take a closer look at your mouth. You should get dental cleanings twice each year and annual exams to beat back plaque. Brushing teeth probably won't get it all.

Bamboo Charcoal Natural Water Purifier

March 08, 2021 0
Bamboo Charcoal Natural Water Purifier

 You owe yourself a chance at clean air again; it's a commodity that is growing ever rarer in this time of city growth and pollution. Clean air is so important to our health, stress levels, and even happiness, so it's no wonder that so many people strive for it every chance they get. However, it's also incredibly hard to find, especially in the middle of a city. You may think, like so many before you, that you have to turn to expensive air fresheners and purifiers which in the end only end up masking the odors and don't actually do much to clean up the air.

Do you want something inexpensive, green, and effective? Try a bamboo charcoal air purifier instead of all of the expensive things you've been using! A bamboo charcoal air purifier works by capturing the bad air near a window or in a small room and storing it in the pores that are found naturally in the stone. At the same time, the stone releases clean air and either humidify or dehumidifies the air as needed. This stone also releases negative ions which are good for lowering stress and promoting relaxation in anyone in the room. Bamboo charcoal also dissipates electromagnetic waves from electronics that can otherwise cause damage to the human body.



A bamboo charcoal air purifier is small enough to be placed anywhere; you can put on by the window, near electronics, in a closet, or anywhere you want clean air. They can even be put in shoes in order to get rid of foot odor! And bamboo charcoal from Charcoal Home Air Purifiers comes in brightly colored bags and pouches so they are easy to add to any home décor.

A bamboo charcoal purifier is not only for the air you breathe, but also the water you drink. Do you want sparkling mineral water in your own home whenever you want? You can get it! Simply place a bamboo charcoal water purifier into a jug of water for twenty four hours and you have water that is not only purified but has minerals like potassium seeped from the rock and placed into the water for your health. One filter is far cheaper than purchasing a bunch of mineral water from a store and it's entirely eco-friendly.

Negative Or Positive Ions - Friends Or Foe

March 08, 2021 0
Negative Or Positive Ions - Friends Or Foe


Have you ever felt tired and uncomfortable inside a big office building, or while working on your computer surrounded by all the many peripherals that come with them? Or even in the kitchen surrounded by your microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, electric jug and toaster, etc. (The kitchen is the most dangerous room in every home!)

On the other hand, perhaps you remember feeling relaxed and energised standing near the ocean watching the surf crashing in, or experiencing the wonder of a waterfall?

There is a scientific reason for feeling so invigorated at the ocean/waterfall, and it has nothing to do with diet and exercise. "Thank goodness!" I hear you say.

Then why is it?

Answer: It's all in the 'ions'. Ions are invisible molecules in the air that have gained - or lost - an electrical charge. The air around us is filled with these electrically charged particles. They are generated in invisible billions by cosmic rays, radioactive elements in the soil, ultraviolet radiation, storms, waterfall, winds, and the friction of blowing sand or dust. Every time we draw a breath they fill our lungs and are carried by the blood to our body cells. They appear to have a lot to do with such varied things as: influencing our moods; causing cattle to grow skittish before a storm; start rheumatic joints to "tingle" when the barometer falls; and give ants advanced warning that it's going to rain, in time to block their tunnels; as well as countless other duties.

Depending on where you are - and the things surrounding you - these electrically charged molecules will be your friend or foe - "Negative" or "Positive". Negative ions are the 'good guys' in the ion partnership.

This is the ONLY situation where 'Negative' is better than 'Positive'!

As far as ions are concerned, you can be 'positive' that 'negative' is a breath of fresh invigorating air, providing a self-healing capacity of the body, and clarity of the mind.

Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our energy. They also protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, get throat irritations and asthma attacks.

How do Negative Ions Purify the Air?

Most particles in the air have a positive charge or are positively ionised, while negative ions have a negative charge. Negative ions are drawn to these positively charged particles by magnetic attraction to one another. When there is a high enough concentration of negative ions in the air, they will attract to floating particles in large numbers. This causes the particle to become too heavy to remain airborne. As a result, the particle will drop out of the air, keeping them out of the breathing zone and out of the respiratory system where it can trigger breathing and health problems.

The pollutant particles can then be collected by normal cleaning activities, such as dusting or vacuuming. If the particle is forced back up into the air, it will again be ionised and quickly settled out of the breathing zone once again.

Okay, so all these invisible ions are capable of all these fabulous things and more. It would seem like they will still continue to perform this magic without any input from us. Anyway, it all sounds very 'scientific' and most of us didn't do that well in science at school. Most people would start to glaze over at this stage and leave their positive ion environment 'grumpy', 'coughing' to get a tissue. Why bother finding out what causes this invisible battle between negative and positive ions anyway. But for those of us who like to cheer for the team who is trying so hard to make us feel better, let's find out a bit about the opposition side.

Unfortunately for the negative ions, the 20th century created a plethora of wonderful new electrical marvels, and we all raced out to buy them to make our lives easier. The 21st century has taken these inventions one step further by making them even smaller, so we can fit even more into our homes and offices, plus carry them around with us to other places. Add to this the new transmission networks, electrical lines, satellite dishes, etc and we have created an imbalance in the entire environment in which we live and breathe. All these new advances create more positive ions, and they are easily winning the battle. The result is all this new technology is making us sick, tired and cranky.

These positive ions can penetrate deep down our lungs and can cause us to feel tired, weak, and have a weak immune system, lack of concentration, anxiety, migraines, psychological disturbances and lack of sleep, all kinds of respiratory tract problems.


Here Are Some Examples of Concentration of Negative Ions in Different Environments:

Waterfalls 95,000 - 450,000

Mountains, seashores, breezy forest 50,000 - 100,000

Breezy country meadow 5,000 - 50,000

Cities 100 - 2000

Rooms and offices 40 - 100

Major capital cities at rush hour does not even reach 100

Rooms with Air Conditioner 0 - 20

* Approximate Concentration of Negative Ions per cubic centimetre (cc3)

Scientists have known about the positive affects of negative ions since the 18th century. I could give you the results of countless controlled experiments proving their value. But it is too much information for an article. Hopefully you will be interested enough to explore further after reading this article.

So what can you do about it now that won't seem like a failed school science experiment, or result in purchasing massive ionising machines for the home and office? You will be changing something you CAN'T SEE, but will definitely begin to FEEL the benefit almost immediately.

The solution is simple, natural, beautiful, and inexpensive. If you don't want the expense of buying a Therapeutic Ioniser; have beeswax candle burning throughout your; or piles of binchotan and bamboo charcoals; your perfect solution could be the same as mine - Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps. I have them throughout my home and office in a variety of sizes and designs.

The salt crystal lamps have a similar effect to an ioniser. However, the natural ionisation of a crystal lamp cannot be compared to an ioniser. An ioniser can only have an ionisation effect.

Salt crystal lamps have many advantages in many aspects, including improving the general atmosphere of a room. If the lamp is next to a television or computer monitor its effect - through its electromagnetic field - is in approximately the 100-160Hz zone. Our brain waves however, produce only 8Hz according to the Schuman resonance frequency. Therefore, the body is exposed to up to 20 times higher frequency patterns than it is generally used to. The consequences of this exposure results in nervousness, insomnia, lack of concentration and weaknesses. In addition, there will be an accumulation of more free radicals in the body, known to be a cause of cancer. The salt crystal lamp binds the negative ions with the excess positive ions. When the lamp becomes warm, it absorbs moisture and the crystal will be damp on the surface. This builds up the ion field. Through the lamp, the positively charged atmosphere of a room can be neutralised. In addition to this, the colours of the salt crystal stones have a healing effect. The therapeutic value of the coloured crystals can reorganise the epidermal layer of our skin. Tests made with children having ADHD symptoms have shown that after only one week of exposure to crystal salt lamps, their symptoms subsided. After removing the lamps, the symptoms returned.

A series of scientific studies show that salt crystal lamps can increase the negative ion count by up to 300%.


Plus they are so very, very beautiful! I no longer use my overhead lights. Instead I use a combination of table lamps and salt crystal lamps. The visual and health affect throughout the home is dramatic and so relaxing.

Which ever method you decide to use to assist in the battle between the ions, it is important to be proactive in supporting the negative ions today than ever before.